Got home yesterday with a 14' Don Hill drift boat in very rough condition. Have to clear space in garage for restoration. Will keep posting as progress dictates.

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Thanks. How about some progress pictures to give me inspiration. East coast might be a far ways to go from Idaho. Hopefully some day mine will be worth $3000.

Sides removed and exterior sanded first with 60 grit and then 100 grit. Bottom sanded same. Now to do inside bottom. Removed varnish finish down to bare wood. Ribs removed. Not as much damage as I expected. I will sand inside and out then probably apply CPES.


Making progress. All parts removed. Sides and bottom sanded inside and out. Dealt with deterioration at side chine by removing 3/4" of material with circular saw and plywood blade. Will have to adjust side frames accordingly. Now to sand all the other parts and then apply CPES to everything.


Additional photos.

Got some nice ASH at Woodcraft. They planed both sides and one true edge. Rip sawed 20 degree chines. Now bending with water and clamps to temporarily installed bottom ribs. So far so good. Have to keep them wet for awhile.


Back at it again. Totally refinished and two part epoxy filled all parts. Made new chine. Now gluing last of front and rear chine pieces. Next is to refit sides.

Looks like a great project Richard! If it were easy everybody would do it. I've finally got my ply and lumber lined up to have next week. I'm not sure if it'd be easier to build or restore but it's a great story either way. Mark, 3000 dollars is a lot of money for yard art.
If the wood is decent, i might think about goung the teak oil route, and only epoxy varnish/paintthe outside. If you decide to glass i would only do it outside too. That seems to be the preferred method around here and it works well. Trying to keep up with a clear finish in a sunny place is tough. Oil is more maintanace, but the maintanance is easy...paint on, wipe excess..done.

Thanks for your comment. I plan to fiberglass the bottom only and maybe a little up the outside. The wood is mostly decent and would look nice with an oiled finish. Can I use teak oil on the inside after using CPES to seal the weathered wood?

No. Oil and epoxy don't mix. I would glass the bottom. Mabye the sides too outside. Then varnish for clear, or paint. Use the cpes to seal the wood prior to glass. Any epoxy needs varnish or paint for uv. Just straight oil inside. Lots of oil

Seems like you have alot of rotted wood, trim, rails and caps, transom, stem etc. to replace, alot of carpentry before you worry too much about glassing the outside. I did seal all my plywood inside and out, frames, and about everything  with epoxy though prior to putting it all together. I glassed the entire outside after it was assembled (minus the rails and caps)

Thanks. Which epoxy did you use? System 3, CPES? What did you use to glue it all back together? Brand, etc.? My biggest problem appears to be finding suitable material for my "carpentry", which so far has gone well.


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