Sitting here watching it snow on The Hanna Platte as she sits upside down in the yard and I know spring is close at hand.  This has me thinking of fishing and floating.  Anyone want to get together for another Colorado River float this year?  Last years was fun and we ran from Pumphouse to State Bridge the second weekend in August.  I was thinking of the same weekend and either the same stretch of river of possibly running from State Bridge to Catamount this year to avoid crowds and hit some less technical as well as different water and help with campsite logistics.  

Love to hear from last years crew as well as newcomers.


Mark Hilbert

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Hey Mark,

Last year was a blast, you can count me in for sure!


I believe I can make it. Wanted to make last years, but my boat wasn't done.


I would certainly be interested. If I remember correctly the Campsites are pretty lean in that lower section.


I will definitely make it this year, it looked like a blast....sorry I missed last year.

Wow, maybe 5 boats already this year.  I'll continue to monitor this blog to see interest then put together a plan.  I have a few questions for those who want to do this and getting the answers will better help formulate the float.


Have you run the Upper Colorado before?  (Pumphouse to State Bridge)

Are you comfortable with Class 3 water?

Do you want to camp on the river?

What type of beer do I get in a keg?

Are you willing to pay for a shuttle or do you want to try to coordinate one with other boaters?



I'm sure there are a few more I will come up with over time.  As has been stated and observed last year went great but floating Pumphouse in summer means having to deal with lots of river traffic.  This is mostly an issue at the put-in, take-out and finding a camp.  Last year I floated down a day before and found a spot, camped there and floated out to meet others at the put-in on Saturday morning.  We had a good spot that was able to accomodate the 12 people at camp.  Everyone brought food and beverages and these were shared and all ran smoothly.  We may be able to try this same process to get a camp spot, but there are no guarantees on this stretch of water on an August weekend, even when floating in the day before.  So as long as everyone comes prepared for whatever may occur then there is little to worry about.  I will carry a groover and a firepan making it possible for us to camp on BLM land if we can't find a campsite.  Last year as we had a group with lots over river experience that was able to carry there own gear, share some hauling of group gear, and work together at camp and on the river.  Greg, Marc, Jeff and Brant were a great group to float with as well as having some support to carry some additional gear in the two rafts and a drift boat run by Owen, Mike and Tracey.  I look forward hopefully getting this same group together and adding some new boats to the festivities.  Should be a great time, see you all on the river.



Good questions.

1. I've run Pumphouse to Catamount three times. Always in a single person inflatable pontoon boat, camped two nights on the river and even caught some fish. 

2. I'm not ready for class three in my wooden boat, but should be there by August, especially if I'm following someone. By August I should have been down from State Bridge to Catamount at least once. My boat is a 17 foot Don Hill, I'm almost done and have a trip planned for April 12th down the North Fork of the White River.  In August I'll have at least one other person with me, maybe two. If only one other I'll have room for lot's of gear.

3. Yes, rivers, and camping, and beer are fun and good for the soul.

4. I have a preference for stouts, but would enjoy any beer available.

5. Yes, happy to pay for a shuttle as well as any other shared costs--like the beer.



That sounds great! I was on a trip in Wyoming last year and missed out on the first Upper C wood boat float. Count me in!

Mark, I'm good to float either section, but I think that the lower part (Statebridge to Catamount) is actually a good idea.  The Statebridge launch does put you into a bit of a shallow/rocky area though if the water is low.  Other than that, I think it's a great option for getting away from some of the river traffic.  I think camping river-side is a must.  There are a lot of great camping areas down there as well that could easily accommodate the group.  The water down there is also easier to row for anybody that is still getting a feel for the sticks.

I typically opt for a shuttle just because I hate back-tracking, but I could probably give somebody a lift back up to their car/truck at Statebridge when we take out at Catamount.  I will be fishing on day two though, so the person would have to be OK with moving at a fishing pace.  

Beer, yeah, I drink that and I'm not particular ;)

I always bring that smaller fire pan, so I'll have that.  Let me help out with some of the planning this year, it's a lot of work for one guy.  Already looking forward to the trip!


Sounds great!  Marc

Don't know if I can make August. Building a wood boat was part of my 1/3 life crisis, which has ended with me going to medical school starting sometime in early August (at 33, I'll be the old guy). Since I think some of these questions might be directed at avoiding some of the less fun aspects of last year's weekend, I thought I would respond:

Have you run the Upper Colorado before?  (Pumphouse to State Bridge)

um, sort of. Definitely never made it to Pumphouse.  If by "Run" you mean rowing with one good ore and one made primarily from duct tape and sticks, from the back seat (only seat) while sitting side-by-side with my buddy who is bailing only slightly slower than we are taking on water and having a river that is literally crammed full of beautiful women in bathing suits laughing at my plight, then YES, I have "Run" this section. I have been doing some biofeedback in a physiology lab and they ask you to think about something that will get your heart to beat rapidly. Guess what I think about?

Are you comfortable with Class 3 water?

I was perfectly comfortable up until the point where I was very uncomfortable (which wasn't even the hard part!).

Do you want to camp on the river?

Yes, since I missed out on this last year. I will camp on the river anytime someone is willing to take me down it.

What type of beer do I get in a keg?

As long as it isn't PBR - especially if I will have more than minimal rowing responsibilities the next day; which, given the above is unlikely. So, I guess I'll drink anything

Are you willing to pay for a shuttle or do you want to try to coordinate one with other boaters?

Yes. Or, like last year, hitchhike.

Glad to hear this might happen again. I wish I could commit but the timing of my school is still uncertain. If anybody wants a questionably competent oarsman on a river trip in Colorado or Wyoming any other time this summer, drop me a line. In the meantime, I have a few "minor" repairs to make to my boat.

Brant, it's good to hear from you again!  Things happen on the river, it's all a part of the experience.  If it were totally predictable, it wouldn't be much of an adventure.  We'd all love to see some of your repairs as they progress, so be sure to stay in touch and keep us posted.  Hope your school starts later and you can make it out again this year!


As time moves forward and your trip log becomes more polished, you have a great story. I am sure your boat will eventually return as an eye catcher, just sporting a couple dings of experience. Marc


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