Are you interested in dragging a wood drift boat to Independence, Oregon's Hop and Heritage Festival for the Saturday, Septmebr 27th event?
Sonny Montgomery, Greg Hatten and I were recently invited to put a drift boat display together for the Independence Hop and Heritage Festival on Saturday, September 27. This is day 2 of a three day event (!). The central activities of the display will include conversations with people about the boats on hand (their unique function and Oregon history), and events for children. The children events will include making their own boats and sailing them, enjoying a couple of Rocker Boats on hand, and an introduction to fly fishing from a drift boat through Greg's wonderful little lullaby, Winkin, Blinkin, and Nod.
This festival was conceievd way back in 1856 to celebrate the local hop harvest. Through the 1940s, Independence was the hop center of the world. The Festival was resurrected 14 years ago, and has become quite a Happening. While hops are still “big,” in the area, the organizers have expanded the name to Hop and Heritage Festival. Since drift boats are an important part of the Oregon heritage, and since the park sits on the Willamette River, the organizers think drift boats should be a part of the party. Besides, there are very few drift boats that launch without a six pack in the belly of the boat. If the weather is nice, the event draws several thousand people.
If you are interested in joining the “party,” give Roger a call (503 559 0204). or send an email ( for details.