I am looking for suggestions on what type of attachment to use from the front seat pipe to the rib for my boat. I have looked at some galvanized flanges but these all seem too big and kinda ugly. I am using 1/2 galvanized pipe. If you have a good one where did you get it? Thanks.
We now use a 1/4 inch barrel nut screwed into the frame. Then we drill out about 3/16 inch deep hole into the frame to give the pipe a lip to set on to help support the weight on the 1/4 bolt and barrel nut. We glue a plug in the end of the pipe and screw in a 1/4 x 20 hanger bolt that screws into the 1/4 in barrel nut.
I'll attach a photo tonight that shows the result; its a very clean look.
I was having difficulty . finding a bracket that was not to big also. so I made a pattern of that part of the rib and used 1/2 fir ply and driled a hole in it and then will glue that to the rib and I also made a wood diamond collar out of white oak that will carry that load and I will secure it to that doubler rib . It is in one of my pictures on my page. Steve Sobba
Here is a pic of the method Randy described (this is from my boat.) The only thing I did different was finish the 1/4 hole through the frame and use an acorn nut on the backside the tighten the pipe down. By drilling into the frame a bit to support the pipe makes it very strong - and the look is clean.