A few days ago CJ Watson was asking if you could build a boat outside.  My response was yes- as many large wooden boats have been built here on the coast of Maine.

This week in the local newspaper was a report about the Maine Martime Museum contunuing to reconstruct a replica of  the  largest wooden schooner built on the east coast.  The sructure is realy the actual rib framing of the bow and stern sections  made of steel and the masts inbetween.  Its more like a giant sculpture- but duplicates the exact size of the ship.

The "Wyoming" was built in  1920 and was 450 feet long from the bow jib boom to the spanker boom.  They are now setting up the masts(steel) SIX each 120 feet tall.  The vessel was used to haul coal up and down the east coast- 6000 long tons.  It was lost in a storm off Cape Cod at Monomoy Island-in 1924- all hands were lost.

Thats a real wooden boat.

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