I thought this site had a classifieds section? I know I can craigslist a boat, but I just acquired a 15' McKenzie river drifter that I have no need for. Since I already have one McKenzie boat I would like to sell this one to someone who is willing to put a little work into it. It seems to be in fairly good shape, but it was painted with latex paint and doesnt have a trailer... I was thinking $900.
Let me know if there is a better place for this other than craigslist, and if I am just not finding the classifieds on this site cause I am a computer illiterate 23 year old (believe it or not).
Ill PM pictures if your interested in seeing them, or Ill try and add them soon.
The classified section is no longer available. That service for this website is not working properly and is no longer supported by the makers of the software. It's unfortunate, but at this time the best thing to do is to let people know on the forums that you have a wooden boat for sale.