I'm building a Rapid Robert 14 foot and I'm putting the outside chine caps on. They are made of white oak and I bedded them in life-caulk. I counter sunk the bronze screws just below the surface and I'm wondering if i should fill the screw holes and what would I use to fill them. My other question is whether you would epoxy the caps and then finish them or just oil them or paint them. I plan on putting a strip of ss on top of the oak caps. l'll try and post some pictures of the boat soon
I haven't really thought that far ahead as to where I'll take it. For sure the Yakima. We spend most of August over in the Okanagan and i fish Chopaka in the summer as well as May. I may try taking it up the Chopaka grade at least once.
I was looking for some pine tar for the boat soup and was talking with someone about using it on top of epoxy/fiberglass. The question came up whether the soup will actually penetrate the epoxy or does it just dry over it. Not sure how much UV protection is has.
I did find a source online for Pine tar, but there were 2 different kinds, one dark and one light. Any one use either one and is one better then the other. Also does anyone have a good source for the pine tar.
Warren: The "soup" is used on raw, unpainted wood- it will not penetrate epoxy,paint or varnish. Put it over any finish and you will have a slimy mess. Sometimes you can find pine tar at a farm supply type place- it is used for horses hoof treatment , otherwize any good marine supply store- Hamiltons, Jamestown etc.