Just joined Wooden boat people, and got to run the Colorado for the first and and rowed a famous replica with some other members of the forum. I really had not rowed a boat in about ten years, so I had my share of mishaps, and quite a blast hanging out with friends an learning another river.

I ran the hole at Crystal, and threw a video together. There will be some additional footage once i put it together of a few of us running Lava.



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Ahhh, so thats how thats done ;) lol 

Ouch, looks like you swam almost all the way down to the gems. Last trip a buddy and I were kayaking and we both ran the hole dead center. I didn't even get my hair wet catching a surge, but the wave broke right in front of my buddy and he got violently front surfed. Great GoPro footage. Not as exciting as yours tho. Any damage to the boat?

Yeah some how an oar shot through the top of the bow and came out the side. the oar lock donut stopped it from going all the way through and the blade on that oar snapped. Must have been in just the right position upside down and hit a rock. I gotta dig up the photo, and will post it. It is pretty impressive. Other than that, that particular rapid was not to damaging (other than ego).

So here is the photo. There was a paco pad in the "Susie seat" and some  how when the boat was upside down the handle of the oar wedged in between the stopped down pack pad and the boat. The pad had a lanyard on it. When the boat wen through the shallows, the blade must have hit bottom, and pouched the hole you see with the shaft (a substantial amount of force as the hole looked like someone cut it with a hole saw) and then the blade snapped. The handle also cracked a hole on the starboard side of the boat. It was an impressive amount of force and reminded me, that staying away from these things when you are swimming is of utmost importance. 


Great footage!

You did a great job with this video Carlo. 

What an experience.  

Here is another video:

This time lava



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