Hi, i am fortunate to have acquired a new to me woodie yesterday. It was given to me by someone who;
A. was not using it
B. realized it was not being stored properly for the last year
C. wanted it fixed up before it became a planter.
He said it was a Tatman but I have no way to prove or disprove that, there are no markings on the hull like a builders tag or HIN. From the quality of the woodwork I would guess it was probably a kit boat, some pieces do not line up like I would expect from a pro and there are a couple of fasteners which missed their original mark by just a bit. My goal is to have this boat on the river for springer season.
I have experience in the restoration of wooden boats and this one has 3 issues which need to be delt with;
A. 6" of rot in the upper stem
B. A 4x4 square of delamination in the floor
C. The inner gunwhale is trashed, mostly from abuse.
My first question is: are the inner gunwhales typically glued in or are they just through bolted?
Thanks for being here and for any advise.