I did an extensive search in the forums and didn't see an answer regarding this question.  I did read that the rock (or tire) guards are not neccesary, but i would like to install them as i think the do serve a purpose and against a painted hull the look wonderful varnished or oiled.


So my question is two parts; Number one what is the standard thickness of this piece.  And, secondly, what is the proper installation technique?


Thanks all,



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1/4" is  standard.cut your pieces accordingly and dry fit on the outside carefully marking your nail holes to be attached to the ribs.alot of methods went to the 1st and last rib although some go stem to transom.remember to take into account the angle of the ribs so you don't miss as the nail goes straight through.for some this piece is attached to the rib only but others prefer to attach the piece with 5200 or epoxy to seal the entire length.steele boats we have restored had ring shanks in the field going through both the piece and hull and trimmed off in the interior to fully connect the piece to the hull.with the loose fitting method it  seems to me to be a place for aquatic hitchhikers to hide.it's difficult to completely connect the piece to the hull without some sort of adhesive but a bead along the edge with life caulk once its secured would seem to seal that gap. traditionally this piece was  sacrificial and easy to remove if it was damaged but seems like you may want to secure it more permanent if for asthetic purposes..secure through the hullto ribs with #14 ring shanks.my imput...i'm sure others have some info and preferences  to this query.


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