Just an FYI to boaters.  Made the float from Helfrich to the lake yesterday and there are a couple new developments.  First, if you typically enter the rock garden above high banks on the right, a small tree (or large branch) is partially blocking the preferred route.  Also, at the very bottom of Gate Creek where it essentially meets the highway/left hand turn, there is a tree with root ball attached that is dead center of the main channel.  It is passable right or left but given the speed and shallowness the left is a lot of work and will become more difficult as the river level drops.

Finally, don't know if anyone else has noticed but the USGS river readings don't seem to be holding up.  I boat rivers throughout the state and have for 30+ years.  What I am finding with greater frequency is that even after checking the latest info before heading out in the morning, I arrive to find higher flows than what is being reported.

Be safe.

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