Hello Everyone. I am new to the forum and new to boat building. I am just starting to build a 16' wide bottom, high side driftboat (Hankinson design), and although I am am a little ways away from this stage, I am contemplating altering the plans so that the stern will not be the "flat" transon but rather be "pointed" like the bow. Does anyone have experience altering plans for this? Would it be possible to follow the same basic plans used for the bow to build the stern (with the exception of reducing the height)? Or am I being ridculous (if so, please let me know...I want to know).
Thank you in advance for any help and advice.
This is totally doable. The front of the boat won't change but you will have to alter all the ribs behind the middle. The middle one may need some additional bevel as well. Do a 1'=1" or better yet 1.5"=1' model from poster board to get the shape right. When it looks right you can get some fairly accurate bevel measurements (especially on the bigger model). Then start building mock up frames from cheap 1x4 stock until you get it right. I doubt the rear stem will have the same bevel as the front probably a little less.
Good luck.
Thank you Mike. The plans that I am using do not have ribs but rather 3 building forms (the longitudinals are then attached to the forms and the stem at the bow and at the transom form). Would you think that I would need to alter the building forms or just try to shape the longitudinals and outer planks to the shape made with pointed stern?
Thanks again. I truly appreciate the feedback.
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