Needed a little input after reading the great recent discussion on nails vs screws. Going into white oak on the chine log eventually and currently into side frames. Pilot hole size recommendations?

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Joe: Its been a while since my last project but I miked up a #14 ring shank at .851. a 1/16 bit mikes at ..062 and a 5/64 at .078. Try a few of each hole size in your white oak and try to pull them with a claw hammer.. With WO I think the larger hole will be OK with softwood the smaller will be fine. When nailing you don't need a 16 oz framing hammer. I use a small 8 oz ballpeen with several lighter taps to drive the nail. When the nail is set to the PW I then take a flat head punch(drift pin)about the size of the nail head and using a 16 oz hammer give it a final hit to slightly "countersink" the head flush with the PW or just below it. This makes fairing/painting easier and a better finish. Whatever size bit you choose- get some spares- you will be snapping off a few of them.
Good Luck


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