I know we all have a tendancy to get stuck in a rut and just do what we always do.

But every now and then something great happens and that something great is happening now.

The Salmon flies are making an apperance on the Henry's Fork.

For those of you not familier with this wonderful occurance, imagine millions of 2" bugs flying over and buzzing the river with the skill of a drunken helicopter pilot missing his rudder control.

Imagine those rare times when even the most timid and shy of fish, throw caution to the wind and attack everything that moves with utter abandon. Fish so gluttonous that they will continue to strike even as bugs are overflowing their gullot.

A wonderful time, a magical time, truely a time you can catch so many fish you HAVE to put down your rod because you can't cast anymore!

That time is here, that time is now, gentlemen - put down your tools and go wet a line.


Tite-Lines to you all.


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