I am in the middle of refinishing my boat, I have most of the initial sanding done. I was entertaining the idea of staining it before varnishing (planning on using interlux gold spar for the varnish). However, I know nothing about staining.

The wood is a good marine grade plywood, however, I'm not experienced enough to know which kind. The wood on the bow is possibly cyprus but I'm not sure.

I wanted to stain everything the same color (excluding the rails,which will be painted, refer to pictures).

Do I need a water based or oil based stain?
I was planning on reaching 220 grit then staining. Before varnishing I will sand again of course, but with what grit?
Will 220 leave the grains open enough for the first coat of varnish to properly seal the wood?

I know these are specific questions but I want to do it right. Let me know if yaull need more details

So far I have had a great time working on the boat.

Any Help will be greatly appreciated.



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I dyed and stained my boat which is a marine grade fir plywood. I do wood working and used both methods as that gives you depth and colour usually needed. The dye I used was a wated based analine dye and an oil based stain over it. I tested on a piece of plywood various combinations to get the desired colour I wanted then sprayed the plywood pieces first with the water based dye than the oil based stain, wiping both applications after so many minutes. It takes a bit of practise but you will find a better product in the end using the dye - stain method. I have an article on the process if you are interested. I would need you email address to send it to you. I have attached an photo of my boat to give you an idea of how it turned out.

I would be very interested in that article. I have been wanting to stain a boat but have been worried about getting it all even on such a large surface area. Your boat looks awesome.
Thank you,
Mike Baker
Hey Richard,
Thanks for the reply. Your boat looks really nice, I like the color.
My email is dbw1288@gmail.com

thanks again,


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