I made the long trek from the East (Pennsylvania) to Oregon to meet up with Greg Hatten, Roger Fletcher, Randy Dersham, Jayson Hayes, Robb Grubb and a host of others to do the wild and scenic section.

What a great trip.

Greg and I finally met up face to face after years of conversation.  Roger loaned us his 14' double ender to take down the river.  Pretty trusting guy!  Weather was excellent, fishing was great, company was fine and the eating was good.  A couple of hairy moments in the wild water of the Rogue.  We left a few marks on the little DE but all survived and thrived in it. 

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I just took out on this stretch 10/19.  Great pumpkin hatch thru the canyon.  Great group you were with.

Great trip! We loved having you along Dave and hope you can come join us again sometime. Thanks for the fellowship and the great pictures!



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