Guys, I'm having a problem w/ tie-down straps (used when trailering the boat) rubbing the finish off of the gunwales of my 16' Tatman and was hoping someone has had similar experience and, more importantly, come up w/ a solution. I just use a couple wratchet straps - one over the front bench seat and one just behind the rear knee brace - and the vibration/rubbing of the straps while transporting the boat has proven to be very effective @ removing said finish @ the points where the straps contact the gunwale. I do use those little yellow rubber "pads" (purchased @ West Marine) at the contact points, but they're of very little help. Any thoughts would be much appreciated.


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I usually used some pieces of black pvc water pipe that was split and slid over the gunnels. That worked fine for me. You have to use at least the inch and half stuff or larger. You can get a few feet and if you lose a piece replacing is not too costly....


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