Hi guys i was wondering if anybody could tell me the easiest way to turn my 16 ft dirft boat over so i can fix the bottom . hope some one can help thanks

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I'll take a crack at it. Find a good soft spot to do it. Yard or moving blankets in garage. Get a buddy to help you lift it up onto its side. Once there just guide it down. Not hard. Me and a buddy flipped mine right side up the other day. Basically takes two to get it up on its side then one to ease it down

 thank you i will give it a try 

Did you flip it already? What Bennett said is good info. I've done it that way plenty of times. Sometimes I get nervous about putting that much strain on the gunnels though. Today my son and neighbor and I turned mine over in the garage by lifting it up on saw horses (easy), then lowering the gunnel towards the floor with one guy at the front and one guy on the back. Once it started to go over center the third guy guided it over and we set it down. Not as easy as what Bennett described no stress on the boat.

if you have some scrap 2x4 around a little cart is nice and you can move it if need be during the work. Make it wide enough for your gunnels to sit on upside down. I was more than half done building this boat and I had wished I would have made the cart in the beginning instead of messing around with saw horses ;)


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