How many members are from the Utah area? Its' always nice to have fellowship in the local area around the big salt tub.

And who needs some help in building boats?

I have many skills to offer in mechanics, electrical, framing, plus have years experience in building of autos, motorcycles, aircraft, and all sorts of machines.

I am presently engaged in building a custom motorcycle, rebuilding a 351 Ford modified, custom speakers out of real wood. Restoring my 1960 Schock 25' racing sloop is an as I go with spare time, but will be in the water next year for sure.

I am planning to build a modified scow style craft around the 18' to 20' length, to be used as a trainer for the kids and friends. Something big enough to hold 3 adults with out getting in each others' way. This will be my step for those willing to train before getting into the sloop.

Hope to see some of you soon.


The High Plains Pirate

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I'm a fellow Utahan. I set up a group for other wooden boat builders/owners on Facebook. See BTW: We're gathering for an outing on Sept. 10 at Rockport. Let me know if you'd like more info. And feel free to pass the word on to others. 


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