i have been working on my boat
and have been using a da and palm sander
but was wondering what grit is most effective
should i start with 60 grit then 220
any help would be great
i have already used a heat gun and scraper to get most of it down
i just dont know where to start with the sandpaper

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Be careful with sandpaper on a random orbit/orbital sanding machine if you are sanding Doug fir plywood. It tends to get "ridgy" because of the hard/soft grain pattern. If you truly have it down to mostly wood, you probably don't want tot go coarser than 100 grit.

If it were me, I'd scrape, get 95% of it off then I'd block sand by hand. or possibly try a chemical stripper.

Not going to be easy.
....and if your going to use the orbital, keep that sucker on the move. If saying your wife comes over to talk a bit, ignore her.
yeah I agree with Dave and Mitchell... 60 is pretty rough stuff and you can easily sand through a layer of ply if you use a power sander... take your time a don't sand in one spot too long, keep it moving.


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