Sometimes it's the "little things" that keep us entertained. Here's a very little one. See if you can figure out the application on this one. It's most useful on the Deschute's and the Rogue where boat camping is the "thing".

You can make this out of boat "scraps" if you have any leftover wood. I've dipped into my pile of scraps so many times my projects are now limited to ash trays and toothpicks. Getting warmer??

Got it yet...??? It's an "Oar Stand" (I guess you could call it...) It turns your oars into a tee pee of sorts - perfect for hanging a camp lantern, trash sack, fly rod holder at night, or creating a rain shelter in a pinch....

It's not a very good picture, but you get the idea. We used it as a camp light over on the Deschute's where you can't always make camp around a tree with the perfect limb for a lantern.
The idea came from a good friend and guide Lou Verdago and his band of Deschute's fishermen. I've got a lot of boat camping trips coming up in a few weeks and I plan on wearing it out!!

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Awesome idea Greg,
You could market that - I could totally see that for sale on a rafting website or something! cool!
Let me put in my order early ; )

OK - that's one. Actually, I think you'd have fun shaping your boat "scraps" into a custom version for those Michigan camp sites.
Agreed - looks like a fun project. I like the idea of hanging a lantern in there... very cool. I use a breakdown polecat for my spare oar... although it only takes a second to pop that oar together...
good thinkin lincoln.
I like it.
Very nice.

You amaze me with your boat widgets. Kudos once again. As for ordering one, sign me up. I'm in marketing durning my day job and I'm with Jason, get this thing to market. :)

Thanks guys.... I'm looking forward to using it this month.


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