scarf patch on side panel repair.

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Comment by Chase Pritchett on September 5, 2011 at 9:52pm
I see it now. I did'nt want to replace the chine log but unfortunately it was neccesary. I thought the same as you before I made that decision but I figured since it needed new chines that I will learn more than if I did'nt replace them. Thus practice for future builds. It's tedious as heck, though I am too.
Comment by Troy Nicolls on September 5, 2011 at 3:05pm
If you look in some of my other pics of the same repair you will see a 1/4" plywood strip epoxied over the outside of the chine log before I scarfed on the larger 1/4" plywood patch on the side of the boat. This was to repair part of the chine log which had rotted. I should have used solid wood not ply, but it did work. I scarfed in the replacement strip and used lots of epoxy. It took screws from the sides and the bottom without stripping out the hole. I think it will last many years, but if it doesn't thats fine, I will build another boat. Replacing an entire chine log might be a bit of a hassle
Comment by Chase Pritchett on September 5, 2011 at 9:51am

Same here Troy, just started the restore about a week today. After pulling the caulk from the inside chine log I was a bit disappointed to see rot. It seems as though the previous owner had a crack in the bottom and tried to just cover the problem instead of replacing it. As a result, the caulk appeared to have trapped in moisture and damaged the wood over time. But side frames are okay despite similar damage to your boat in this picture.


Comment by Troy Nicolls on September 4, 2011 at 9:33pm
Sure, not a problem. Keep in mind I am only a beginner, however this repair worked out quite well.
Comment by Chase Pritchett on September 4, 2011 at 4:56pm
This is a good reference pic for side repair. I have a similar project to this rebuild. I may pick your brain later on if you don't mind.

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