I have been building the Devlin Egret for about 3 years now part time in my garage. I have all the contruction photos posted at this link http://ronnieo72.multiply.com/photos I haven't the patience to upload them all to more than one site.

I have the outside of the hull complete except for the bow eye and pintel/gudgeons. Currently finishing out the inside fairing, building the airtight compartments fore and aft, seats etc. then will move on to fitting out metal parts. Also still need to make centerboard, rudder, mast, mast step etc..


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Comment by ronnie on February 26, 2009 at 4:20pm

The plans are from Sam Devlins web site www.devlinboat.com. The plans call for a sprit rig sail 75 sqft with a 13ft mast of either spruce or fir. I plan on purchasing the sail from Devlin's site also.

The shape of the river dory was what first caught my eye when looking for a project to take on. With a little research and taking my time to pick a design I realised that a river dory would not do me any good on the gulf coast... so this is the design I went with...
Comment by Randy Dersham on February 26, 2009 at 9:56am
Fantastic Job Ronnie,
That boat definitely has the river dory shear line and transom. What type of sail and mast do you have planned.
I'm working on a big river boat for one of the members here that will be flat bottomed for it's intended use in the river but will also have a sail for the large lake areas they will be crossing on a upcoming expedition.

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