I am completely out of my element when it comes to fiberglassing the bottom of a boat. I have applied finishes to all manner of wood from turned bowls to houses. For this boat I am debating weather to fiberglass at all.
Could I just epoxy the bottom? Or just FG tape the glue lines? Or do the outside only? What fiberglass product would I use? I see in the shops Fiberglass poly resin, can I do it with west system? Can I do it in my carport (open) and still avoid the problem of the smell which the wife as promised will be "GROUNDS...." coming up on 25th anniversary I kinda like the prospect of it.
Any and all help would be much appreciated.

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Comment by Mark on August 19, 2012 at 6:30pm
Ok. Many questions have been answered thanks to this site. I am now supplied and ready to fiberglass the hull of the boat. The plan; one layer of 6 oz on the sides ; two layers of 6 oz on the bottom. Transom and bow will get a double layer also. I plan to put one layer on the bottom, then the sides and the final layer one the bottom thus sandwiching the side layer at the chine. Overlapping by about the width of the chine(1-1/2 in).
Comment by Mark on June 26, 2012 at 8:27pm
It might be that I meant 'carbon fibre mat'. Sorry, still very pricey stuff.
Comment by Mark on June 26, 2012 at 10:23am

Next step is to sand out and fill and sand out and repeat. Looking for a supply of Kevlar for the bottom. Do i need special shears to cut it? Is there an easier/cheaper product for the bottom?

Comment by Mark on June 26, 2012 at 10:21am

Hull ready to finish.

Comment by Mark on June 26, 2012 at 10:17am

First fiberglass attempt. Went well!!

Comment by Greg Jensen on June 15, 2012 at 9:15am

Mark, just to add to what others have said, Epoxy and glass is really quite easy to do. For financial reasons I chose to use a Poly resin instead of Epoxy. Do NOT, I repeat DO NOT, make this same mistake. Or your wife really will have "GROUNDS". There are a lot of great posts here, research them and good luck.

Comment by Paul on June 14, 2012 at 10:26am

I did 3 layers of 10oz cloth and West Systems epoxy.   Then, mixed up some carbon dust in epoxy for the final back finishing cap.  It is absolutely bomber and as these guys say, not that hard to lay down since the surface is convex.   I'm now trying to figure out how to best do the interior floor in my boat so I can remove the floor ribs.   I'll need to add bulkheads, but that shouldn't be too hard.   Anyway, best of luck!

Comment by Kurt Selisch on June 6, 2012 at 5:02pm

Hi Mark, I had never done fiberglass work either until a couple weeks ago I refinished the bottom of my boat. You should use cloth and not just an epoxy coat, the cloth gives it strength and will keep the epoxy from cracking if you hit a rock. It really isn't that hard and with the new epoxy resins, there is virtually no smell. Just mix small batches of epoxy at a time and work one area instead of trying to do the whole bottom in one foul swoop. I researched some of the previous discussions on this site and did 20 oz cloth with System Three Silvertip marine epoxy. Then did a final coat of epoxy with carbon fibers,. I used a product called "Coat it" Do an internet search for it. RAKA is a good source for fiberglass cloth and their epoxy is less expensive then West Systems and System Three.  I would encourage you to research previous discussions and forums on this site, their is a wealth of information and knowledge and it really helped me......good luck. Oh yeah, you can do it outside, but not in direct sunlight.

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