So, I need to flip the boat over to do some of the fillets and paint the hull... and this is far as I've gotten. Just can't get the boat ALL the way over.

Here is the issue. I'm thinking of adding another anchor and hooking it upto the boat here. Then moving the block and tackle to the lowside and then hauling that lowside up with the rigging.

Any suggestions out there?

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Comment by Kelly Neu on January 11, 2010 at 9:24am
I love that many boat problems can be solved with friends and beer.
P.S. Greg, love the pics. That dark wood is gorgeous!!
Comment by Jeremy Christensen on January 10, 2010 at 12:24pm
I flipped my boat by myself one time, I wouldn't recommend it. I got to a point where I was kind of stuck holding the boat at it's angle of repose and I couldn't reverse what I had done, and didn't think I could proceed further, but managed somehow to pull it off. I always recruit a friend or 3 to help flip it over, it's never an easy or graceful operation, so I try to avoid flipping it very often. We just muscle it over, I've never bothered with block & tackle, etc.
Comment by Greg Hatten on January 9, 2010 at 2:59pm
Wow... this is pretty cool! I'm afraid I can't offer any suggestions other than a keg of beer and some good friends to help with the "flip" (wish I would've done that). I did a solo build and flipped it myself. This boat building site has given me A LOT ideas for the next build and the all important, next "flip".


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