The boat gets its splash jacket.

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Comment by Kelly Neu on March 5, 2010 at 10:16pm

Yeah, the chine rubber I'm using would probably be in the sticky category. Its definitely not a hard waxy plastic like the UHMW. Its more like a vibram shoe sole.

The idea is that it supposedly stabilizes the boat in high water (though I don't have much experience in that arena). Also, supposedly the rubber will help absorb some of the force of a big hit (which I do have experience with)... it does seem to help minimize the damage.

This boat will be used in the Grand Canyon, Salmon, Snake River type dynamics where the speeds are high and the rocks are big. I could see where the hard/slick chine guards would be nice on slow shallow rivers.

The neoprene tends to get glued on with contact cement... a pretty good bond until u rake your boat across a cliff wall. The rubber strip will peel right off... better that, than the chine itself.
Comment by Robb Grubb on March 5, 2010 at 9:29pm

About the Chine rubber, I was wondering if it was hard enough to distract rocks versus attach to them when contacted. Up here in the Northwest, I tend to make contact with numerous rocks with the boats chine and you don't want a chine that is soft or "sticky". UHMW or good 'ol fashioned oak seems to work the best...


Comment by Kelly Neu on March 5, 2010 at 5:29pm
Hi Robb,
-The bottom paint is an oil based polyurethane enamel with added hardner made by Columbia.
-The chine rubber was purchased from Nott Attwater in Spokane, WA. Its a flexible yet dense neoprene rubber about 1/2 inch thick. Sticky or slick? I'm not sure what your asking but I can send you a photo if that helps...
Comment by Robb Grubb on March 5, 2010 at 12:04pm

Boat is looking incredible!

What type of Polyurethane paint are you putting on the botttom? and what and where are you getting your chine material ? Is it rubber or other, sticky or slick?


Robb Grubb

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