Looking for suggestions for this years Project.

As we embark on another school year, I am searching for any ideas that some of you experst may have for this years boatbuilding class project. After tremendous success last year, we are eager to get started making things happen in the shop. I believe that we would like to try building something a little more "snake river friendly" and would like some sugestions as well as a place to optain plans and materials. Thanks in advance, the members of theis forum have had significant influence on my class and the discusions that take place within it.   TT

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Comment by Randy Dersham on August 27, 2011 at 10:13pm

Todd, I think a wide 16ft pram could be a good way to go. There has been quite a bit of talk on these forums about the big prams and how perfect they are for fly fishing a person in front and behind the rower. That boat would be very different than the double end boat you just finished. It's wide, stable and floats high in the water. 


A.J. has already worked with Ray Heater of Portland, Oregon on the design of one, so he would be very familiar with this type of boat. 

Comment by Rick Finnell on August 26, 2011 at 5:01pm
Todd  have the school buy you several copies of Roger Fletchers book Drift Boats &River Dories. (riverstouch.com. You and the students enjoy both the history and the how to of building these great boats. I helped build a Rapid Robert forty years ago in shop class for our principal,one of my highlights of high school. I followed your project last year and it's teachers like you that make a difference.  Rick

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