Well, the Zizumara got her first taste of the river. We ran the Lower Salmon River in Idaho on 15k...a very fun level! She got her first ding and had to be highsided through Wright Way rapid but still got us safely downstream and back to shore. Such a happy feeling.

The full blog post is at http://kellyneu.blogspot.com/

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Comment by John Greenleaf on July 29, 2010 at 7:50am
Sad, but definitely the best choice on where to take the hit - will never know it was even there. I probably would'nt have been so well collected had I seen a colission comming - (what part to sacrifice? Ahhh!) just cover my eyes and hope for the best. Best for me to be suprised.
Comment by Kelly Neu on July 29, 2010 at 7:33am
The Zizumara got her first hit. Rhinoplasty at such a young age...

Comment by Kelly Neu on July 29, 2010 at 7:25am
Yeah, I hear ya. I knocked the very tip of the bow off and everyone in the boat said, "oh no!!" And I said, "hurray its a real life boat now". Like you said its nice to get it out of the way.

I did it as I was floating down stream in flatwater just looking at our other boats coming through a rapid, when I looked downstream again we were getting pulled into a wall. It was immediately apparent that we were gonna hit the wall and I was wondering which part of the boat to sacrifice. I didn't want to have to deal with the gunnel so I chose the sturdy filleted bow. I slowed the boat down to nearly still but we still bonked the wall and managed to knock about 1/2" off the very top of the bow. I'll post the pics here shortly.

At least hitting the bow allowed me to continue pulling off the wall as the eddy swept us along it. Had I hit the gunnel we would have scraped along the wall for quite a ways and I would be repairing the chine as well.
Comment by John Greenleaf on July 29, 2010 at 7:07am
Awesome - Congratulations! and way to do it up right - by comparison my first float looks like a study hall session.
I hear you about getting the first ding out of the way. I nailed a piece of submerged steel bar (presumably from one of the old dams or locks in the river) on the first run. Made the hair stand up on the back of my neck and took a divot out of the epoxy bottom (pretty much thru to the kevlar), but did not puncture the hull. Felt good to get it over with though, and know that boat could do what it was built to do...J.G.
Comment by Mike Baker on July 28, 2010 at 6:26am
Hey Kelly,
I just checked out your blog, you really know how to christen a boat! Fun times.


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