I'm wanting to design/build a multi-purpose pram. I realize it will be a compromise. I weigh ~ 220# and my dog ~100#. I would like a pram that I can take out 'round the lake margins for ducks or fishing, or/and across and down the river (no whitewater). I think the flyfishing, drift prams are too much of a driftboat for my purposes. And the basic/typical pram design needs a little alteration for what I want out of it. I would like to load 400#- 450#, safely. This would be a stitch 'n glue project.

I plan to build something like the Hudson Springs Pram: http://www.duckworksbbs.com/plans/me...ings/index.htm

I wouldn't put the seat in. This would be a more basic/simple design.

But, I want to put more rocker in it, especially the narrow, upstream transom. And I plan to rake the wide transom back and rocker it up, for rocky river use.

Z's Drifter looks nice!,, but I want a lighter boat:

I'm seeing 10' prams with about 46" bottoms. Can/should I go narrower?

How much should I raise/rocker the two ends?

I would appreciate any/all thoughts on my concept, so far!

Many thanks,,, Ken

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Recently came across these plans:http://www.jordanwoodboats.com/Watercraft/Scamp.htm


10 feet long and flat bottom.


At the bottom of the page is a link to photos of owner-built boats.

That's a nice little boat!  Two questions/thoughts:

Is there enough rocker for small, roll-y/choppy waves?

I would think of raking the wide transom back a bit, for any river use...??

Again, nice boat and right along the lines I was thinking.

Your call on suitability.  I am a flat water sailor myself.


You seem to want one boat for both lake use and for river use. Usually they are different designs. Make one of each!

Ya,, I want it all!... not really, I think?  But I'm thinking a lake boat also needs to be able to handle chop, anyway,, and I'm not wanting a real drifter, capable of serious whitewater... So the narrow-end transom looks great.. it's the wide transom that I'd lift a bit and rake, just a bit, for drifting downstream a bit.. but nothing radical.

You could put a little  dead rise or V in the first 20" or so,but i dont think you;ll gain much verses the work involved.


heres a pic of what i've been upto,kinda what your asking about.




Nice!  Is that the model, under the model, on the back wall?  How wide's the bottom.. of the boat?  What will you use this for?

yes thats the model under the model,kinda skiffish.

the LOA is 11'5, floor 48" with a 24" flat spot right were the rower will be.my plan is to put a 50lb thrust bow mount elec.on the stern to do the rowing for me,i''l steer with the foot control while i toss streamers to the bank..this will be for river use and also some stillwater.

I noticed the interesting shape of the bottom, there.  Are you going to glass this?  I was thinking of just taping the seams and oiling/painting the sides and floor, or maybe the boat wouldn't be stiff enough?  About how much will this weigh in at?

Its a foam bottom so lots of glass planned,as it sits with side glass on and inside glassed it about 65lbs, only have a worn out bathroom scale.so could be off a bit.after all is said and done my goal was 130lbs but i think i'll be able to get it a little lighter.i still need about 10 more pounds of glass on the bottom,then gunnels and some side boxes to hold the removable benches.this boat will travel on a roof rack of my truck.beam is 65" so i'll have to modify the rack a bit.

I've used "Coat-It" on the front and back, bottom of my driftboat and was intending on using it on this pram, rather than rub strips.  I'm hoping to build something about half the weight you're talking,, but it will have half the luxury and ride, as well.

Did you just build your own model?  How did you go about it?.. Cardboard?....

ya just play with what you got,i had 1/8" sheet good scraps that i could cut pretty accurately on the table saw.1/6 worked well ,the parts are big enough to deal with..


You can lighten up Dave Z's design a bit. Also Google Paul Butler Projects. He has some car topper designs that have been featured in Outdoor Life. My Dave Z drifter is below.



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