I chalked the before posted boat along the chines with 5200. I'd never used the product before, but a little surprised by the set up time and the humidity requirement. I have the following questions:
It says, solid tack in 48 hours. Full set up in 7 days. Can I use it in 5 days, the Salmon Flies are out! Don't worry, I have inflatables, if necessary.
It needs high humidity. I live in Central Oregon and it's pretty dry right now. Will it help or hurt to mist it occasionally with a spray bottle? Is that necessary in 10% humidity?
I use plenty of 'googempucky' (5200) on my boats here in Bend and do not seem to have any trouble with curing times. It might depend on the volume of 5200 you are using, ie; filling gaps with alot of it or a little here and there getting squeezed out between the wood you are bonding.
Thanks all on that. It is setting up pretty well despite the hot and dry. It's not applied very thickly. Most about 1/16 inch and that is set up. The deeper stuff, about 1/8" still has a ways to go.
I did think twice about the 5200 and ever having to remove it or the chines. The chines are beefy stout, just seperated in a few places. I have painted a lot of houses, esp. western Oregon, and wondered about just using good old latex chalk. It seems to hold up well enough when painted over. I can say that our window frames on our house along the N. Santiam got many more times the water exposure than this boat will!