I recently purchased an older wooden drift boat and the transom has become crooked at some point.  It appears that it was do to either filling with water or the added weight of a motor. The starboard side has sunk just behind the rowers seat where the rollers on the trailer contact the boat.  I am wondering how to go about fixing this to straighten out the transom or just fish it as it is.  The boat does not appear to have dry rot (and I have searched) and the crooked transom does not affect the way it rows.  Thank you for your help!

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If it rows OK,does not leak, and has no rot I would think its fine for a fishing boat. Now then, if you want to show it off at one of the shows- AJ's on Memorial day weekend in Jackson on the Snake or Jason's on Labor Day in Livingston on the Yellowstone you miight want to work on it. But then aggain it might make for some interesting conversation. If it ain't broke don't fix it.

just My opinion. Good Luck
Thanks for the reply, I will not be showing the boat I just wanted to fix this before I re-fiberglass the bottom and it becomes locked in place. I am not interested in replacing the entire bottom or performing major repairs because it is functionally perfect. Is there any trick to "twist" it back into place or would this be a major undertaking?
Doesn't look twisted, it looks like it was built funky or it wasn't squared up before the bottom went on. leave it, its character. Catch a pig of a brown trout and pose next to it, you will see the crooked transom won't matter!
Allright, I'm convinced, I will just leave it as it is and fish the hell out of it! Thank you both for the input.
You might just try re-cutting the motor transom level. That would make it look a lot straighter if not truly "straight." But I agree--there's not much else you can do at this point. Row it and enjoy...


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