Greetings, I just completed my first boat. Well, not really completed, still touch up paint to do, and I could always do more fairing of the may never be "done" but this is version 1.0, 18' 4" total length, 59" at the chine, 84" at the oarlocks, 9 watertight compartments including the beer cave under the rowers floor, 2 four inch drains with removable covers for Lava, Hance and friends , 2 two inch drains with scuppers for light splash and a drain in the oar pocket. First GC trip 3-19-21.
He's on FB as Bryan Tooley. FB is an awful place, but there's a great whitewater dories group there. There are also several decked whitewater dory people down in the Bend area who have semiannual get-togethers.
Message me your contact info, and I'll contact him to get a hold of you. :)
yes I saw the FB group and it looks great but I'm not sure if I want to go that public. I work in law enforcement related field and I want to keep my name and pictures of my family hard to search. I'm using for all dory related contact.
Totally understand, I'll forward your contact :)
This probably sounds like a really stupid question. I've never rowed a dory on "flat" water.
Did you launch and land from the same point, or were you floating down the Willamette?
If you went out in a loop, how'd she do for tracking? How far would you row in an afternoon?
I have been launching at willamette park in johns landing and doing 5 mile laps around ross island , or going downtown and back. working against the current right now is a task but I'm trying to build up muscle for my 3-19-21 GC trip. Keeping this boat off the left wall at crystal is sort of a priority right now and I have always told people that what you need to row whitewater is a mix of experience and/or power, and I have the experience I have, and the boat is built, so now all I can do is workout. My boat has all curves with no flat sides and I feel that it tracks just fine. This was one of my design considerations where I varied quite a bit from Briggs. Having rowed for 20 years I feel "tracking" was important on my first big water trips but with my experience level at this point keeping boats at the correct angle is not something I have problems with. In fact building something 18 feet long that will have a gross gear/boat weight of nearly 1,500 pounds I was more concerned with maneuverability than tracking. I added more rocker than Briggs, went 59" chine in the center with all continuous curves and the boat spins like a top, which I enjoy.
Very cool to hear, you've inspired me to get my big boat out on Flathead Lake to noodle around; I just hadn't considered it! I've WW and sea kayaked for 24 years so don't find tracking as important as some others do, but it can be a headache using a whitewater boat on flat water. ..and rafted for 17 years, but this is just coming into my 2nd season in dories.
You have a great point about "keeping boats at the correct angle"..which means two different things in flat and white water. In flat water, you're moving through the water and past all those molecules..tracking means the boat will glide in a straight line. In whitewater, unless you have more momentum than the current (which sweep boats and dories do have), most of your "tracking" is simply keeping the same angle to the're often moving with most of the molecules in the river, but their energy is going in different directions.
A 59" floor is definitely going to draft less and maneuver better than a 48" floor boat that sits deeper in the water.
So having enough "glide" to have the boat not trying to swap ends in between strokes is key to wanting to row 5 miles. What's your average speed...5mi in 2 hrs?
Thanks again for the feedback and sharing your design considerations. There isn't really a "right" or a "wrong" way for boat design. Everything is a compromise and what's best is what works best for you, your boating style and the conditions you expect to row.
I hope you have an amazing trip; Your launch day is my wifey's birthday, I'll tip a beer in your honor.
I sent your contact info to BT, but I think he's on the Grand right now, so it may take a big before you hear from him.
I have been on 3 flat water trips and it was about 2 hours including launching and stopping on the beach a bit. Next time I could use my GPS thing on my phone to get a speed, that would be interesting, we could do flat water dory speed trials. I know what you mean about glide, I have experienced that in various extremes with whitewater kayaks, especially older and creek designs that always want to turn. The dory does seem to glide straight in between strokes. I was not too worried about flat water performance because on the GC my only real goal would be to keep up with others, usually rafters, and I'm fairly strong, so I was willing to sacrifice flat water efficiency for more maneuverability.
Nah, the rafters will be worried about keeping up with you!
*edit: emailed you with the contact for another PDX dory guy.
Saw a familiar-looking dory on Moenkopi's FB page:
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