After  rapping the rope  I ended  up 2 1/4" total , the donuts are 1 5/8" whats the secrete ?

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They will go on but it just takes some effort. Warm them up a bit and put some soap on the oar. I have used screw drivers like tire irons to get them on to the wrap.

They are too much of a pain to deal with so I now use the plastic spacers which have bolts. I almost hate to mention this here but there are new oar rights available. The section on top which slides into the lock preventing the oar from twisting will now rotate back. People who want open locks can have them while still giving others ease of use until they get a chance to row with a feathered setup. You can see an image of then at

Lets home this ends the oar right debates and gives many people the ability to row the same boat more then one way.

heat up a pot of boiling water and drop em in for a couple minutes.
get some leather gloves, fish them out and roll em on.
like mentioned, warm soapy water.

a oar stop question if you guys could help me with if you don't mind a little hijack.

Last week I was rowing a friends boat. He keeps his stops right at the lock, taking away the ability to extend the oar out to the water if needed. I found myself wanting to extend the shaft/blade more than a few times. Not being able to made it seem like I had much less control of the boat. Anyone else see a problem with this set up?

My oars are set up with the stops much higher and never touch to oar lock unless I'm on anchor and I let the oar slide down and rest.

help on this one

Yes, your set up is the same way that I run mine. I put my oar stops at the top of the wrap. I feather and adjust oars as you mention when rowing. When I anchor I can let the oar hit the stop and leave it in the water which lets it swing in next to the boat and out of the way. (usually)
boil the donuts. stand on a chair holding the oar, blade down. put on leather gloves, slide the donut down over the handle, and hang all your weight on the donut. donut will "roll" (not slide) all the way down...
Tie in turks head knots-show off your skills
Thanks guys. I used all of the advice above soap, boiling water, a ladder, and a few words of my own.


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