So... After constructing the beautiful Zizumara, a boat I love a little too much, I thought a new direction in boatbuilding was in order. Hence, the McDrift boat was born. Attributes: cheap, disposable, made of wood and nails and a little oil to help it last 5 days on the Salmon River. What happens on day 5? -Bonfire, Dam clogger, a return to drift wood or perhaps a free boat for the next river runner, who knows but it doesn't have to come back home. This is a oneway trip boat. (That is... if I can stand to let it go.)
First stage was fun. Combing the beach for lumber. I dragged every ragged, nail ridden 2x4 I could find off the beach. I could have charged the beach residents a "tetanus prevention" fee, but lucky for them I didn't have the time; as I would spend the hours attempting to transform non-dimensional lumber into something resembling straight lines and true angles -with a hand saw and plane. (never again!) I can tell you, beer never tasted so good.

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