After the driftwood for the frames were found I went in search of plywood.  It turns out the only plywood that survives the ocean and ends up on the beach is 3/4" or thicker.  However,  I didn't find that out until I had hauled about 400Lbs of the stuff home and measured it.  WaWaah.  At least I provided entertainment for the residents of sunlight beach as I rowed back and forth with a steadily sinking boat loaded with way too much drift plywood.  I imagined people were making bets on when and where I'd sink.  Hopefully I can use this stuff for thwarts or the transom.


It was pretty neat during the beach combing process to see just how many boat parts are out there.  Where I used to see just wood, now I see that a lot of that stuff are frames from other boats...sailboats, dingies, all shapes and sizes.  Pieces of hulls, battons, hatch lids, decking...Its a graveyard out there.

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Comment by Dave Z on July 4, 2011 at 5:04pm

That's awesome.  Funny coincedence too... I was walking the shores of Lake Erie yesterday, saw some nice looking driftwood and though, hmm, some of this might be nice boat wood. 

I think you should "ghost ride" that thing where you are done, return it to the river.

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