Help w/ repair of an older Ray's Boat?


I have an older boat - A 16ft 1985 Rays River Dories Rogue River Model, with some rot on the floor as a result of an inadequate seal between the original bottom and the UHMW that was attached at some point.

The outside chines are in pretty bad shape as well, so will need to be replaced.

I'd like to repair it without replacing the whole floor.

Is there anyone in or around Bend, OR with some experience in this, that I could go to for help in repairing this little beauty?




Views: 192


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Comment by hal arneson on July 23, 2011 at 1:09pm

Hi Taylor- I have someone from Salt Lake who's interested, and has promised to call this weekend.

If they end up passing on it, then I'm putting it back on the market.

I'll let you know after this weekend.







Comment by Taylor on July 23, 2011 at 8:02am
Hal, is this boat still for sale?
Comment by Mike Baker on April 28, 2011 at 5:20pm

Hey Hal,

You can e-mail me at my website if you want when you get back.


Comment by hal arneson on April 27, 2011 at 7:55pm

Hey Mike- Thanks so much for checking in. I'll be out of town until the middle of next week, but as soon as I get back, I plan on flipping her over and inspecting as suggested by Kevin and Rick below. I'd love to be able to have you take a look at it once it's torn apart, and maybe offer some advice as to next steps.



Comment by Mike Baker on April 26, 2011 at 1:39pm

Hey Hal,

I am in bend in the Deschutes Junction area.


Comment by Rick Newman on April 26, 2011 at 7:59am

Hal, Kevin has exactly the right advice. He, AJ, and Dutch have done an amazing job of restoring some old beauties. Until someone makes an xray machine for boats you've got to do a skin deep inspection. You will have to remove the paint to get to a solid surface anyway. This is also a great way to understand how your boat is built. If you are unfamiliar with how they come apart there are numerous pictures showing boat deconstruction. Look up chine logs and bottom repair. Good luck on the projec.




Rick Newman

Comment by hal arneson on April 25, 2011 at 8:07pm

Thanks Kevin-

Sounds like a plan. I'll post images as I proceed, to get more detailed feedback.

Thanks a ton for the advice!


Comment by Kevin C. on April 25, 2011 at 7:56pm
flip her over on a set of low saw horses or some blocks to stabilize it ,remove the chine caps along with any of the loose paint(looks like some bubbling above the rock guard too) with a heat gun and scraper,remove the uhmw and poke around with a screwdriver to see the extent of the rot.Some pic.'s posted here would help alot.From first glance looks like a new bottom would be the easiest and most practical but exposing the damaged area will allow you to assess the extent of damage and proceed accordingly.

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