Started this discussion. Last reply by Paul R Goulet Apr 5, 2021.
Started this discussion. Last reply by Bennett Yarbrough Jul 9, 2020.
Started this discussion. Last reply by Bennett Yarbrough Nov 22, 2016.
Posted on February 1, 2010 at 6:31am
Thanks for your comments. I think wood slivers get under one's skin and never seem to come out!
Yes, Walt was my grandfather. Bob is my father.
Estimado Mr. Rick Newman: Ante todo quiero aclararle que si bien he remado por muchos ríos de mi país, Argentina, pescando en varios puntos del río Parana en busca del Dorado, pez muy combativo, no poseo un bote todavía pero quedé maravillado con el de Mr. David Payne ! Actualmente estoy viviendo en Joao Pessoa, Paraíba, Brasil y quedé fascinado con Wooden Boat People, la cual descubrí por pura casualidad y en ella he encontrado el modelo que me agradaría construír, casualmente parecido al que tiene Mr. David Payne. Mr. Rick Newman, hermoso ejemplar de pez tiene su foto! Mis felicitaciones y lamento no poder escribir en su lengua, pue mi inglés deja mucho que desear. Ha sido un placer recibir este mensaje de bienvenida. Muchas gracias y hasta otro momento.
Rodolfo M. Serra
Hi Rick:
I saw the post on Project Healing Waters about your four vets from different conflicts. I am the Program Lead at Daytona PHW in the Winter and then head for Michigan and my drift boat in the summer. Thanks for being a part of PHW and helping the vets.
Bill Craig
Thanks Rick for the welcome. I look forward to participating in future events.
Thank you Rick, I was taught my a great craftsman in upstate NY. I owe him many thanks for passing his experiance on to me. As for the ribs I used spruce for those. The boat I am doing currently I am using Port Orford Ceder. The over lap for the ribs is how the original boats were built and works very well.
I hope your recovery is speedy and your back on the water soon. I would like to see your progress on your next drift boat. I am thinking of building one myself. Maybe we can go from a row sometime.
Thanks Rick for your comments. As for the boat, It took about 6 months to build not sure how many hours. I built that one in 2009, it weighs about 70 pounds without the oars, yoke and middle seat. Its based on a design from a builder in the Adirondacks in upstate New York. The design originated in the 1840s and was used by hunting/fishing guides to take the "sport" to get game. A great web site to tell you more about them is at . These boats were originally planked with beveled laps and clinched with copper tacks. It normally takes about 500 hours to build one. I am currently working on building a 12 foot guideboat that will weigh about 45 lbs. I build 12/14/16 foot boats. If your interested on taking one for a test drive let me know.
Dear Rick! Thank you for the invitation! It will be great to visit your country and I love fishing!
It's funny but the last time I had great fishing was in the USA! Two years ago I've participated in the expedition on the footsteps of Russian traveler Lavrenty Zagoskin in Alaska who described the life of Eskimo and Athabaskan peoples in mid 1800s when Alaska was Russian territory. We navigated the Yukon river from Tanana to the mouth and then to St. Michael on our kayaks. It was great adventure for about 800 miles and one month. Great great wilderness and amazing traditions of peoples in small villages impressed me! It was very interesting to find lots of Russian impacts on the lifestyle of the locals, lots of rus words, Orthodox traditions, log houses of siberian types etc... Fishing was very specific. Yukon is very muddy and it's impossible to catch something in it. But practically every small river which falls into Yukon is pure clean. It forms the line of clean water in muddy Yukon and this line is the Mekka for fishing!!! Lots of big sheefish, pikes and salmon! I used twisters lures. Several minutes was enough to feel our menu with delicacy. You can look for some photos here This expedition was the part of the project on creating the Russian America museum in Russia in the home estate of Zagoskin who lived in Ryazan city 100 miles from Moscow. The project is in progress...
As for the Franc Josef Land I'm the member of the science commetee of the National Park "Russian Arctic" and FJL is the part of the the Park. But to tell you the truth I've never been there... Hope I'll visit it sometime. It'll be interesting to watch the film you've mentioned sometime. Thank you for the info on Tegethoff replica - It's very interesting for me! Do you have their contacts by chance?
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