Well it has been 6 months and minus the splinters was a completely enjoyable project. The whole family is going camping tomorow and even my wife can't wait! Seriously it was a great time all started by my 9 year old daughter. She is ill and when she asked to go fishing like we used to, I could not resist. The boat is 18'. The ribs, chines, transom, rails, and stem are all Ipe. The plywood is all Hydrotek Marine ply. The seats are made from VGDF and boy it seemd like heaven working with fir after the Ipe. The bottom is coated with marine epoxy, fiberglass, and 2 coats of "coat it" epoxy. The entire boat is varnished and I would reccomend reading a book on how to varnish before doing this. I did not and learned as I went. The result could have been a lot better. I am really jealous of the guys who oil their boats as it seemed like the varnishing took forever. The only really big mistake was the 1/4" ply I used for the rub strips. Even after 7 coats of varnish, they still are starting to mold on the inner plys. At least this will be an easy fix as I did not glue them to the hull. Here are some pictures, let me know what you think. I would highly reccomend the project to anyone as I really enjoyed it. I hate TV and it got me out of the family room all winter. It also brought my neighbors closer, as they all came by for periodic progress reports. Thanks again for all your help, it was really appreciated!
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