Yep another first time builder. Starting on a Freestone Guide stitch and glue. I have been in the reading/research phase, trying to gain enough critical mass to even begin to know what questions to ask. I have begun aquiring materials and have a couple oars in progress. Since I have been following for a while (some beautiful boats folks) I thought I would stop and say hi and to also thank all of you for all the info you have already provided me.

I live in New England (Dover, NH) so I did want to see if there are any other Drift Boaters, builders, builder wanna be, etc in the area. I would love to hear from you. I am new to drift boats in general (One guided trip and one day learning how to paddle one with a guide, this is well worth it by the way). I have been a wood worker most of my life (I don't actually remember a time when I didn't have a tool or fishing pole in hand) and have the tools for the job.

So hello and I will be posting questions and progress for anyone interested.


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Comment by Claude Langlois on May 28, 2013 at 5:28pm

Thanks folks,

Kevin, I'll be up North Conway way in a couple weeks it's always worth a stop at moat brewing and I'll see if I can chat with him.

Got my plywood and Epoxy on order and a couple oars in the works, hopefully the build will be picking up steam here shortly. Great to see Guy's boat water ready, mines a ways off but Mark as you point out it might be crazy but I'm here to enjoy the ride

Comment by Kevin C. on May 26, 2013 at 11:42am

Hey Claude,I have an old friend from the ski bum days in Utah who lives in n. Conway that built a stich and glue a number of years back that may have some advice to share.He's the brewmaster at Moat Brewing and Smokehouse in N. Conway. If you're in the area ,swing in and chat him up and tell him hello from Kevin in Jackson,Wy.


Comment by Mark Stuberr on May 12, 2013 at 10:07am

Building boats is the most frustrating, annoying and stupid thing you can do with your time, it is also the most fun and rewarding thing you can do. The trick is to know when to step back. Enjoy your build!

Comment by Rick Newman on May 10, 2013 at 12:30pm

Lawrence Long is in Maine and builds beautiful boats. You can search for him at the top of the page and send him a message.

Rick N

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