Working on a wooden skiff (built in the early 90's I think, wrecked and repaired at least once before I got it). Pulled off the fiberglass on the bottom two winters ago and glassed it, plus did some new glass on the  outside panels this summer. This winter going to repair the transom, tear out and build new end trays and fix cracks in the fiberglass on the inside. The anchor pulley screws were glassed over and now are rusted. Not sure I can get them out without just drilling them out. Question is: how should I reinstall the pulley? I was thinking a piece of thicker aluminum sheet that I could mount the pulley too and then fasten to the wood bottom. Any thoughts and advice appreciated!  IMG_2129.jpg

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Comment by Tobin Kelley on January 11, 2021 at 5:17pm

Thanks for the suggestions. I got the screws out, then dug into the plywood and found a bit of rot. Chiseled out about a 5" x 6" section of plywood that still had moisture in it and black wood. got down to good wood and cut a 3/4" plywood plug that I epoxied in. Should be very solid now.

Comment by Shawn Baker on January 11, 2021 at 1:13pm

I agree with Rick, if it's lasted this long it looks really solid.

You can also drill the fastener holes out oversize, fill with epoxy/cabosil/chopped glass, then redrill new screw holes into the epoxy plugs.  If water follows the screw holes in, it won't find any wood.

And bed all your hardware/screws in LifeCaulk.

Comment by Tobin Kelley on January 2, 2021 at 7:11am

Thanks - I had not thought about that. Did get them out and need to do a bit of epoxy fill in the wood.

Comment by Rick Newman on January 1, 2021 at 7:25pm

A heat gun will loosen up the epoxy so you can remove the screws. If they lasted this long then you could redo them again with epoxy.

Rick Newman

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