2 months till the Colorado Wooden Boat Float.  Looking to get a head count of possible attendees.  Starting to put together arrangements for camping at Rancho Del Rio and having our Saturday post float BBQ there. 

Current Float Schedule:

Saturday, August 10th: Pumphouse to Rancho Del Rio   10 miles

Sunday, August 11th: Rancho Del Rio to Two Bridges   8 miles


Hope to see some new faces and some old ones too:


More info:  Mark Hilbert  (303)816-9175

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10 Days till Colorado Wooden Boat Float!  Camp will be set up Friday night at Rancho Del Rio.  Floating Saturday and Sunday with Barbeque Saturday at Camp after the float.  Flows are looking good, floated last weekend without issues.

Rancho Del Rio  for shuttles and camping

Floaters Guide to Upper Colorado  river beta

Hope to see you on the river

Things look good so far, I'm getting excited!  Should be a great trip, as always.


For those attending this year we have beer koozies to help keep your beverages cold on the river.

Also due to the fact that Tom Petty has backed out as our musical entertainment, I will be singing a collection of my favorite Elton John songs by the campfire.

Bring your earplugs, not just for the trains.


Haha, those are awesome!!!  

We'll all need ear plugs if Jeff is in the same campsite (he can out snore a chainsaw)! For clarification, is State Bridge, and Two Bridges the same location?



Two Bridges is a new takeout as of last year, it is located 4 miles downstream from State Bridge.

Did Greg finally Varnish his boat?  3 days till we find out the answer.  ????

2013 CO WBF

Haha, nope.  She's gone the other way.  I don't think I've even hosed her out for 3 years.....  The mud adds some really nice ballast ;)  I'm calling it an experiment on the durability of marine today's marine grade plywood.  Someday I'll have a space to get some work done on her and she'll be brought back to her original glory.  Sort of like Botox.  Thinking I'll be up there early in the AM on Saturday.  Getting pumped for the trip!!!


Mark -

Sorry we can't make it this year.  Thanks for your hard work on keeping the float going. Loved it last year and plan to do it again next year. Have Fun! Sure like those koozies!

Mike and Heather


Colorado Wooden Boat Float III is done and in the books.  5 wooden boats, 2 rafts and a drift boat on our trip.  Wade from Kansas and Steve from Idaho made the long drive for the float on The Upper Colorado through Lower Gore and Red Canyons.  Greg and Ron showed up to round out the wooden contingent from Colorado along with my boat.  Floating was good, fishing a little slow, beer was cold and sleep was minimal.  Thanks to all those who participated and next year we go back to finding a camp in the canyon away from Rancho.

Headed into the canyon

Steve floating below Pumphouse

Wade floating into the canyon

All boats below Needles Eye

Steve in Yarmony Rapid

Greg in Yarmony Rapid/Red Canyon

Ron floating towards camp

Paulie working the front seat

Brad and Donna with small trout

Kevin with smaller trout on caught on a fly

Tiffany showing us how its done

Boats taking a break after a long float

Greg floating below State Bridge Day Two

Tracey and Wendy in The Blue Bomber

Ron letting the dogs swim at Radium

One picture to sum up Camp at Rancho

Percy and Hanna hope to see you next year

363 days till 2014 Colorado Wooden Boat Float

Thanks to All

Great photos Mark!

Had a blast seeing all of you guys on the water!  Looking forward to next year already...



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