I’m going to start by saying Hello to everyone. My name is David Brown, I’ve lived in Seattle most of my life and to date have never owned a boat. This last summer’s Perch fishing gave me the bug though. And since our families budge does not allow for me to drop $1000 + on the kind of boat I like, and since I’m rather handy with the few tools I have, I started doing research on “How to build a rowboat”. Two months later you are getting my backstory.


So the boats that I seem to like are the low sided Prams, with natural wood tone finish. I’ve done a fair bit of woodworking before and I’ve worked with stains but never any epoxy or fiberglass.

I really like the idea of stich and glue with dowel and glue fasteners. I’ve used dowel and glue for several chairs and a desk that I built, and I love the results. Not sure how well it would do for a structure that’s constantly being flexed the way a boat is.


With all that said, I’ll probably start by building a simply Jon boat out of cheap Home Depot plywood first. Kind of a way to get my feet wet and get me out on the lake for some winter bass fishing.


I should also make mention of my Wife. She grew up in NE Thailand and is terrified of any open water that’s deeper than a rice patty. For good reason as well. Many very dangerous things live in those waters. So, for her, the idea that I’m going to build a boat and then go out on a lake that is 250 feet deep in some areas is proof of my insanity. This boat will have to be built as a black operation.


Wish me luck.


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If you are in Seattle then I am guessing you are going out into Lake Washington. I live in Kirkland.. the other side of the lake. You mentioned that you liked the low sided Prams. I have been out on that lake all my life and on a nice sunny day all the big boats come out and many times the wind comes up a bit. The result is waves 1 to 2 feet in height. Might want to think twice about low sides, and Puget Sound gets even worse if that is in your mind. Now for Epoxy. I built my first boat  6' one man just for the experience before trying something bigger. Smart move. I was scared of the epoxy too but let me tell you.. it was easier than I thought. Worked out well. Now about fiberglass... just like wood.. 20% assembly and 80% finishing.  Many thick layers of glass will be invisible if you take the time to sand the edges smooth and taper..    just like they do with sheet rock in houses.    Good luck and I am looking forward to my next little boat.. thinking about an 8' flat bottom pram drift boat look so I can take my wife up the Samish slue.

Good luck and I am sure you will not have to start a bon fire when your done. PS tell your wife that the largest fish in Lake Washington is a cat fish.. and we eat them.  Get PFDs and use them.

Hey Bob. I'm actually up in North Rose Hill, about 2 blocks north of 85th. if your willing, I would love to meet you and pick you brain . I'll buy the coffee if your up to it.

The goal of the pram was to make one of those tough little unsinkable auto toppers. I figured 18" sides with lots of buoyancy in it would allow the boat to ride over any swells. you may be able to swamp her, but sinking her would take more work than it's worth.

18" would be fine.    I got the impression you wanted lower and that would not be good but for a small lake like the little one man 6' boat I made.   It is only for little lakes.  11" sides is what I made for weight and my plan was for little lakes while camping.  My new 8' pram I plan to make will have 16' to 17" sides at least since I will be putting my wife in it now and then so I will have more draft and still enough side to feel save. Of course it will only be for little lakes as well. Some day when I get more confident about building boats... I will go for a bigger one that I would feel good about in the big lake or even the sound.   I would love to meet up with you for coffee and sharing ideas. I have worked with wood most my life. Mostly little projects but have a few big items under my belt. since you are so close to me we might even be able to work together now and then.. like when you need to have someone hold the other end of the stick.   When are you free to meet ?

I'm free most Saturday evenings after 5pm. what's your preference? Starbucks, Rocco's, Urbana?

I don't care    I drink standard coffee or beer     straight black    high octane

Pick a spot    time and I can most likely make it.

Let me know what is the best time for you to meet up Saturday night for coffee

oops    replied to myself.. 

Let me know what is the best time for you to meet up Saturday night for coffee

I got my plans for an 8' flat bottom pram yesterday.   Went out and bought some wood at lunch today.   Now I have to clean up my shop so I can start building.

Included was a small layout of both the 8' and 10' so I made a rough paper mockup of both.     The 10' looks like a miniature river drift boat.   I can bring some of the plans along if you are interested>

I would love to see the plans for the 10'. And if you want help with your build, let me know and I'll see what I can work out.

Saturday after 6:30 is going to be best for me. Not sure where you're located though. The Starbucks off 85th is close to me, but I like the one in Juniata almost as much.


Starbucks off 85th it is at 6:30 then.    The plans I have are for the 8' not the 10'  but the concepts are the same and so are the directions for build. it is stitch and glue but I might go conventional build instead if I can figure out how to make the chines. They do not include the layouts for the 10' although they should since they are so similar. I will bring along what I have that relates to the 10' so you can have a look.

See ya at 6:30


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