Greetings everyone!  My name is Noah, and I'm building a 14' Mackenzie from Roger Fletchers book with my buddy Chuck.  With a name like Noah, I guess you're pretty much required to build a boat sometime in your lifetime.  

First off I want to thank everyone for the loads of info I've been able to find on this website.  There is a pretty impressive wealth of knowledge if you're up for reading through all the posts.  

I managed a hostile takeover of my Grandpa's wood shop for the project.  Not sure if he's figured out how long this boat's going to take to finish up, but he's along for the ride either way.  

Went through a couple piles of white oak my dad had rough sawed 7 years ago.  Should be dry by now.  Not much clear in the wood but I've been able to cut around the knots to get plenty of good framing wood.  

Drew out the frame lines

Ripped down my base boards.  Managed to find a nice piece of rough sawed ash in the pile.  Didn't match the oak obviously, but all I had that was sized right. 

Built a jig that I could rip my frame sides with the angled cuts while getting the correct bevel at the same time.  Maybe I'm off base here, but I didn't see much info on how others are accomplishing this task.  Worked pretty slick.  Just drew my lines and set the bevel on the table saw.  I rough cut the pieces first with a band saw so I had a smaller piece to work with.  Might have had a barley pop or two in the process.  

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Clamped to frame member - sorry couldn't get the pic to load, go to next post.....thanks

Cutting notch


That's exactly what I'm looking for.  Couldn't dream that one up.  Thanks for sharing.  I bought that same saw, so I can assume that it will do the job as well.  Thanks again.  


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