I'm putting the fishing touches on the modified Don Hill design 17 footer.  I've moved the casting deck and and brace forward.  The front seat is an RTIC 65 gallon cooler which acts as a pedestal and provides more room.  Not pictured is the rear removable rear pedestal seat and casting platform. There are still a few items the add.  The anchor system arrives tomorrow, oar locks need to be drilled, etc...  The last photo is of my 14' Ray's design which sits in the window of my Fly Shop.  Let me know what you think...

Thanks, Gregg

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This looks really cool.

Can you share pics of the removable rear pedestal? Or even just a description? Thanks

Im just finishing it up.  Id mount it in the boat now and snap a picture if I could, but I just (minutes ago) painted the inside of the pedestal box.  Im also finishing up the rear casting brace.  Give me a few days and Ill post new photos.  Maiden voyage is coming soon.

Awesome! I'm really excited for you. I can't wait until I can say the same!
Thanks, looking forward to the pics.

where is your fly shop? maybe I'll stop by and show you this summer. there is a picture on my photos but its not a close up.

Craig we are located at 520 Cedar St. in Wallace, Idaho.  Our web site is www.wallaceflyshop.com

Hope to see you and any one else passing through.  We are 1 minute off of I-90.


Your ideas and craftsmanship always get my attention. The next boat in my shop queue is a Don Hill 16 by 48 kit. Deciding on a finish plan is always fun, with lots of choices. Your choices with the natural finish interior and painted hull gives a nice visual image of a likely plan.

The cooler as a seat looks good and seems highly useful and functional. Based on the height of the cooler and the likely height of a fixed seat, it seems like it is a choice between cooler or seat. It doesn't look like both options would work, i.e. slide cooler under a fixed seat.

Great to see your ideas in practice. Good luck with the fly shop! I look forward to getting out of CA and fishing some of those great areas north of OR.


Here are some photos of the rear casting platform and casting brace.  Obviosly the brace is not done.  The seat is completely removable and will not be in the boat when there is just 2 of us.  The front of the platform is raised 6 inches so it is level when you are floating.

That's pretty slick. Thanks for posting the pics.


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