I started my annual - interior oil, exterior varnish on my 18ft boat the other day.  More of a workhorse for 25 days a summer than a show piece.  I flipped over and saw what I knew was coming.  A re-fiberglass of the bottom. 

I got a good deal on this boat a few years back and put the 16 fer that I put together a few years back on the sidelines.  18ft much better for South Fork Snake and camping with the family.  "Just had the auto detail shop put a new fiberglass bottom on" was what the previous owner said.  I flipped it when I got home from buying and knew it would work for just a few years.

Well, the few years is up.  Luckily, I peeled that crappy glass job off, no problem and sanded to bare wood.  I decided to do a quick restore job:  New epoxy/glass bottom, new chine battens and strip the exterior to bare wood and refinish.  Problem is, I have 4 days, maximum 4-5 hours, before I have to leave for 5 days.  When I get back, I have 5 days before this boat HAS TO BE in the water.  The 21st is my anniversary.  We floated to an island on the South Fork in this boat and got married in front of the falls and every year we float on our anniversary (except 2017, when it was 23,000 cfs)

So, if I put 2 coats epoxy on bottom, finish the rest of the stuff before I leave for 5 days and then lay glass and 3 coats on the day I get back (chemical bond), I can put this boat in the water 5 days later, right?

I'll send pics later, if anyone is interested.

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shouldn't be a problem....what epoxy will be using?

Thanks for the reply to my garbled post.

Raka is the epoxy I'm using. 

After thinking on it for a while, I think the reason there is no info out there on this issue is because it isn't an issue.  Epoxy is either cured, or not.  It isn't like water is going to penetrate it either way.  At least that is where my head is at.  For now.

Hell worst case just throw a couple space heaters in the shop and keep it in the 80s. My boat in a warehouse in the Georgia summer would kick off slow Raka in no time. It’d be hard as a rock in a few hours in 85-95 degree temps

edit:when doing my bottom I wanted to make sure all layers had a chemical bond. Called Raka and they gave me the info basically from a chart saying at 70 degrees you have this long, 80 degrees a little less etc. Surely they can set your mind at ease with a phone call

Thanks Bennett, I'll get in the garage for the lay up and crank the garage heater.  Should help with the varnish too, which is probably just as important.  I hope to crank out the prep layers and and 3 coats before I have to leave town for a few days.  I'm not real picky about a perfect finish and loved using Total Boat Lust varnish.  Can crank out 5 coats a day, as they say on the can.  Tips out great pretty warm look.


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