How long should I cure my scarf Joints at 60 degrees? using system 3 with #1 hardener 12/1 scarf angle. this is for the bottom 1/2" ply of a Mcenzie drift boat from Rich Fletchers book. I have been curing for 5 days but would like to speed that up. any advice.

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For a bottom? You're ok right now. You are going to be nailing thta 1/2" down on ribs, and I'm assuming your joint will fall right on one of them or between them. If you got a good mixe, I'd probably not worry about it now.

One thing you can do is cutyour bottom shape out. You will have a few pieces of cut off but scarfed wood. Try and break those puppies. They most likely will bust next to the joint, rather than pull it apart.
5 days at 60 degrees? still tacky or is it hardened? if its not cured by now, sounds like it won't. unless theres something I don't know about System 3??? could you have gotten a bad mix?
it has hardened it is usually tacky free in 18 -24 hrs. i just do not know how soon i can put a little stress on the joint.
my shop runs 55-60 deg in winter. I use system 3 with fast hardner( don't know what the number is) Based on that I would say you are good to go- unless your hardner is the slow ,then i think it likes higher temps. As suggested cut out the bottom panel and "test" a section of off cut. Cutting out the bottom won't put any real stress on the scarf.
Good Luck


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