Gang-  I put up a scarfing post the old fashioned way over at my blog.


Here are some pictures- 


Sorry about the shallow depth of field.  Using my 50mm with wide apretaure as lighting is scarce in the basement and I'm anti flash!


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I feel like such a cheater. I used a power plane and a belt sander. Even though I have sharpened knives all my life, I have never learned (or taken the time) to properly sharpen any one of my numerous old hand planes. Power tools have both spoiled me and robbed me of the knowledge of proper hand too use. I envy your skill and resolve.

Great pics. I'm sure your blog will prove to be both informative and interesting. Let me guess...oiled interior, paint over epoxy exterior and a plywood shoe?

Thank you Dave for sharing.


Troy, I'm an easy nut to crack.

oiled inside, varnish over epoxy and wooden shoes indeed.


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