i use an iphone, and generally have difficulty navigating the site on it. it won't allow me to respond to messages or threads, and i can't load the page directly..the main page is a mishmash. however, if i have responded to a thread, i can use the alert emails to get a link that will take me to where i can read the discussion. i can navigate to other places thru the side bar once i'm in, but its impossible to navigate otherwise..ie if there is no link in the side bar its almost impossible to get there. is there a newer version of the BB software that is more iphone compatible. my iphone seems to surf the web very well, its a handful of sites that don't render right, and this is one of them..i wonder if its the php scripting. any other iphone users browsing the site. anybody found any workarounds? randy, any idea of wether this software has been updated or patched to work better for mobile devices? anybody else having good luck loading the page on other mobile devices (blackberry, ipad?)
Still haven't been able to get it to work right. It tries to pull up the mobile interface, but I just a blank page with avatars on the left. I did find the link at the bottom of the page to load the regular version. Posting still has been difficult. I tried the asocial app also and had no luck displaying content.