I need to get a new anchor for my drifter. Looking for a 30lb. pyramid anchor. I'm in Georgia. Does anyone know of a supplier on the east coast? All retailers I can find are out west and I'm trying to limit my shipping costs.  Thanks for any help, Rob.

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Pyramid anchors have kind of gone out of style around here. Mabye it's just the type of rock we have but the popular anchor around here looks like a fat piece of pipe hung horizontally with like 6 spikes on each end. Seems to hold well in cobble and loose rock and gets hung up less. I had a pyramid for many years and definatly had it hang up on stuff a few times. I don't anchor in current ever so it wasn't ever a safety concern for me, but if I was the type to anchor in faster deeper water like many fishing guides I see it could be. you can really get in trouble with a hung up anchor.i think you can buy these from Hyde drift boats but the shipping probably isn't cheap.

Thanks, Chris. I'm one few drifters in my area. I sure there are a lot more. So I don't really get to see new ideas or strategies in the drift world much. Think I'm going to try one of these chain anchors the other guys are talking about. Thanks for your reply

Here's a picture of a style popular in Washington State, perhaps beyond too. A big hunk of chain fastened together with a shackle. Gather it in a bunch of loops. No shipping involved.



I just saw one pic on that page that is whats popular here in Mich for floating rivers. Its just some pc`s of huge logging chain connected with a loop. Guys make these up, I think I paid $25 for it on a float trip 15 yrs ago. Its really heavy, but you can adjust the amount of chain on the bottom and slow the drift, or drop it all the way and stop. We have mostly sand and gravel bottoms. I guess though, its hard on the eco systems of the river bottoms, or anything touching the river bottoms, thats been talked about alot lately in the conservation writeups

Good stuff - I'm going to make one of these. I love this forum for these reasons - community and new ideas. I've never seen such an anchor but am always into making my own stuff - like my rods, flies, and boat! Thanks.

Very helpful, Rick. Thank you

Those chain anchors are really really bad for the Eco system. They rip up the bottom of the river. They take slime of the rocks. They also are known for hanging onto stuff, like aquatic invasive species. All in all probably the worst anchor you could could get for the river. Out here where concern for invasive species is high, they are a big no no. I won't get into an environmental ethics rant, but will say that I try to make my trips to the river as low impact as possible.

Chris, you bring up a good point, care of the resource.

It's kind of intriguing that most of the boats that I have viewed on the Yakima River in Washington State have these anchors and are on boats owned by guides. I have one but it sits in the garage. I have a pyramid anchor that I use.

I think that it is important to use care in where you drop or place your anchor. I often stop in shallow water, get out and take the anchor up on dry, shoreline rocks.

Rick Newman

Everything is bad any more. I get the whole thing and send money to TU, dont keep any fish, wash my gear etc. I would say here that with far more people wading rivers cause more bottom damage than the small amount of drift boats. Pretty soon we will have to only fish offshore and cast tiny cameras hoping to see a fish :/

Thinkin about it, anything is bad. Those bars with the spikes sticking out would be far more damage than the chain, as the chain doesnt dig.

Very interesting perspectives all the way around. Many things for me to consider moving forward. I appreciate all the input.

For clarity - 

 Is the chain used to anchor the boat or slow the drift? My interest is to stop my boat completely while I fish, not slow the boat by dragging across the bottom.

If its current your wanting to anchor in then weight really helps.a 30 lb pyramid will   stop a drift boat in mild current no problem.If its slipping your in too heavy of current and asking for trouble.


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