Any people around the Pierce Country,Wa ...Drift Boat Advisor..

Hello to all. I'm looking for people that have or are in the process of building a drift boat. I started building a drift boat few weeks ago. It sure would be nice two have a few advisors in my area to pick their brains!

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Tyler, I'm not in the Pierce County area but occassionaly travel there. I'm in Spokane. However with the Internet and cameras and the fine folks on here we can probably answer all your questions. Tell us more about the boat's design, materials you are using, etc. I've made most of the errors you can make so perhaps I can help you avoid them. I'm sure that others have a few experiences of their own that might be helpful.

Rick Newman

I am building a 17x54 drift boat. Im working on the frames. The question is in regard on the left and right side frames. The sides frames are shown to be at 3''on the bottom and 1 3/4 to the top of the frame. Should I make my cuts on the inside of the degree or the outside of the degree




If you are cutting the inside of the frame with the same bevel as the outside (hull side) then it doesn't matter it will end up being 1-3/4" on both sides. If you are cutting the inside of the frame with a 90 deg. edge and cutting the bevel later than measure from the shorter side of the bevel this will leave enough meat on the other side to cut the bevel. The frame in your picture should be measured from the opposite side. When laying that frame on the frame jig the bevel should be facing up (so you can see the flat on the side) when viewed from above. Opposite of how you have that one.

Hope this helps.


Thank you so much...You answered my Question...I feel bad calling you all the time..Im moving forward on your design..I should make great progess this upcoming week

No worries Tyler, call whenever you want (just before 8 P.M.!).



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